Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Types of Writing that Professional Writers use and Job Titles

When thinking about what specific types of writing that a professional writer does, many things come to mind. First off, it would depend on what type of professional writer the person is. If he/she is an author, then more than likely novels, magazines, manuals, textbooks, and other various forms of literature come to mind. These are the types of publications that the major of people would first go to in terms of professional writing. However, what about the authors' proposals to their publishing companies to get their books published? What about letters of inquiry to the people they interview? These are also certain forms of professional writing.

Other professionals besides just authors also have to write proposals, letters of inquiry, thank you letters, speeches, etc. People like contractors, real-estate agents, accountants, journalists, engineers, doctors, senators, and congressmen(and women) all have, at one time or another, needed to compose some form of professional writing. For instance, say that the mayor of Morgantown, Ron Justice, was up for re-election. To get funding and sponsors from local businesses and investors, he would need to write letters to them requesting their support. That is also a form of professional writing.

Many people use professional writing in their every day business. The list goes on and on about who could be considered a professional writer, because the status quot of their job. They are required to uphold a certain form of professionalism when dealing with their business. This is why the definitions "professional writer" and "types of professional writing" are so loose.

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