Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Plan for analyzing the information from my interview and on-site observation

The first thing that I want to look for and get a sense of the writing process that my subject takes. Evaluating his objectives, plan of attack, and means of rhetoric all are important to understand when look at his writing as a whole. Because my research will focus primarily on the use of rhetoric and general appeal, I will consider what the subject stated in the interview, "I write as if I am verbally presenting the report/proposal/etc." This gives insight to the actual writing process (ex. word choice, sentence structure, subject ordering, paragraph structure, etc.) When looking at his writings, I want to put myself into the reader's/audience's shoes and read his work as if it were addressed to me. What are the focal points? Why should I believe and agree with him? What does he use to back up his argument? Does he establish any rhetorical tools? From there I want to start making inferences (ex. He uses ethos to reinforce X; he establishes kairos here to emphasize Y)

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