Thursday, November 6, 2008

11/6 Rhetorical Activities 2 and 4 ARCS p. 283

2) Most definitely, yes. Many people, when they walk into my room, think I have cake cinnamon buns in my room. However, it is just a candle that I keep burning to ensure that my room doesn't smell stale. In this case, I do believe that this "emperical evidence" is convincing, but it doesn't make it definitely accurate. One of the major findings that support this theory is Pavlov's theory. With his dog, he would ring a bell to signify eating time. Automatically, the dog became conditioned to hearing the bell and would salivate. One day, Pavlov rang the bell and the dog began salivating, but he did not give the dog food. He rang the bell again, and the dog continued to salivate. The bell served as emperical evidence for the dog, but the evidence did not lead to the conclusion of food.

4) There are many online sites that I use for research in my other classes (Business Admin, and Poli. Sci). I never use a website that is not academically accredited. As ARCS would say on p. 281, my source would be reliable.

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