Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Analyzing the Analysis Memo 9/9/08 Class

The Analysis Memo

-Job Description
--This gives us a look at the surface of how the writer interpreted this part of the project, and why he responds the way he does.
--This also gives us a look at the surface of his thought process on how he goes about organizing his writing.

-Audience Analysis
--This part shows how the writer perceives his audience and what they expect from a writer like him.
--By understanding how he sees his audience, a reader can see what he feels is necessary to include or exclude in his writing.

-Rhetorical Analysis
--This final part of the memo shows what the writer included in his work and what he chose to overlook or exclude. By relating this to the Audience Analysis, you can see how well the writer was able to achieve his goals of including the right information.
-- It also shows each step he took throughout the whole writing process, and how he expects his audience to interpret his work.

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