Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rhetorical Activities 1 and 4 pp. 63-64

1)Don LaFontaine, a famous movie trailor voice, died this past Monday. While reading about this, I decided what better person to discuss and research then the man himself. While looking for various publications, I determined that FOX News and ETOnline were the best candidates, because they both have their arms deep in celebrity personal life. Both articles claim that this is a sad time in Hollywood, and that movies won't be the same without him. After appearing in over 5,000 movies, and approximately 350,000 commercials it's hard to see why not. Both articles definitely convinced me that the issue is urgent and pertinant to my personal life. Never more will I here his distinct voice when I go to the movies or watch television. Due to the nature of the situation, neither of the two articles were disrespectful in placing related arguments or facts.

4) We as a planet are such a diverse people. People of many different cultures, religions, ethnicities, and social statuses go about our lives as we best know how to. Day in and day out, we wake up to our world and survive under the conditions we have been given or the ones we have made for ourselves- but what if the world we think we know won't always be there the next day? Every day Earth's ozone layer is deteriorating at an alarming rate. If the peoples of this world do not unify to solve this problem there will be no Earth to wake up to.

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