Thursday, September 25, 2008

FreeWrite: Observation Process

When I observed the three girls writing, there were many generalities and common trends that occured throughout the process. For instance, each girl had a specific role in the process. One girl would pose the questions to the group and wait for a response. The other two girls would be the ones to state their opinions on the proper answers and the first girl would repeat what they would say trying to refine their words. She would then type the groups answer on the computer while reading what she typed alloud. That way, if any of the other two girls disagreed with the final thought, she could alter it. In one instance there was an answer that one of the other two girls thought could be reworded. The typist repeated what the girl said to varify and made the alterations.
What I found pertininant in this process of observation is that it is important to pay close attention to detail- not only to ask myself what the are doing, but how and why are they doing it. Most people would think "duh, of course that's how it's done," but it is easier said than done while your are actually doing it. Small details like the efficiency of specialized tasks, repeating questions, or even thinking out loud are all important to someone who plays the role of observer.

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