Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Status Update Due 9/16

Thus far, I feel like I have a good sense of how I want to proceed with my final project. Also, I am comprehending the material that is covered in class. Sometimes I get lost trying to follow Prof. Wible's train of thought, but I usually understand the main points that he covers. Something that I was really content with was the outline laid out for the Letter of Inquiry. Hopefully that will lead to a better grade. My exploratory essay was, to my surprise, lacking, so it would be nice to cushion my loss.

1 comment:

Scott Wible said...

You're not the only one who has trouble following my train of thought! The important thing that I hope everyone takes away from the past three classes is that this research project is not simply "shadowing" someone and asking that person how he or she uses writing. Instead, we are going to be doing focused research on the person's writing practices.